The Complete Title Should Be Capitalized Each Word, in the Left of the Page in Times New Roman font, 14 Point. Title should be brief and clearly indicate the content

 White1, M. Wang1, A. G. Brolo1,2

1 Global Coasts, London, United Kingdom

2 University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia

Authors: (Times New Roman size 11 point, left).  Email for presenting author must be provided. Do not include degrees or titles. The name of the presenting author should be underlined. An author’s name appearing on more than one abstract must be identical in each case.

Affiliations: (Times New Roman size 10 point, left). The affiliations should be typed under the list of authors’ names. Each author should be listed by Department, Institution, City, state/province and Country. In abstracts where the authors have different affiliations, please indicate for each author the number of the corresponding affiliation – use a superscript.

Text: ALL text must be written in ENGLISH

Please use this structure:

– Background or Introduction

– Material and Methods

– Results & Discussion

– Conclusions

 Abstract text must be in Times New Roman font, 12 point size, single space and justified. It should not exceed 300 words. Abstract should be in word file,  PDF or ZIP files are discourage to submit.  Do not use table or image in abstract. Abbreviations should be kept to a minimum. Use standard abbreviations generic drug names. Place unusual abbreviations or acronyms in parentheses after first use. Do NOT identify author(s) or institution(s) in text.

Make the abstract as informative as possible.

Abstract Template _ICMPROI-25