Instructions for Poster Presentation
Onsite at the Conference
  • Speakers must register at the registration desk upon arrival to collect their name badge and related materials. From there, you will be directed to the Poster Display Area.
  • A list of posters, allocated numbers, and poster display times will be available in this area. Please ensure that your poster is displayed on the correct poster board, which will be labeled with your assigned Poster ID. Do not place your poster in an alternate location.
Poster Mounting and Removal Time
  • The list of Poster Presentation can be found later.
  • Poster mounting and removal time will be announced soon.
  • Any posters remaining at the end of the session will be discarded by the Congress crews.
  • A small amount of adhesive material will be provided however we suggest that you bring your own Velcro pieces to support your poster.
Your Poster Presentation
  • Authors are encouraged to be present near their posters during the session breaks. There will be no specific presentation time allocated for each poster.
  • Evaluation of the posters will be done by the appointed judges throughout the conference.
  • Awards will be given for the best posters.
Your Poster Preparation
  • The poster should be a visual presentation of your submitted abstract. Posters should meet the following criteria:
  1. Size: The dimensions of the posters should be A1 size, 594 mm wide by 841 mm high (strictly portrait orientation only—landscape is not allowed).
  2. Title: The title should reflect the content of your poster and match your abstract submission.
  3. Contact Information: The name, organization, email address of the corresponding author, and the affiliations of all co-authors should appear on the poster.
  4. Lettering: The poster should be easily readable from a distance of two meters. Use upper and lower case for general content, as the use of all-capital text is difficult to read. Avoid using mixtures of type/font styles.